The complete, downloadable, official USAPA pickleball rules can be found on our Pickleball Rules page. The following are a few FAQ we’ve heard both novices and advanced players ask both on and off the court.
Send us your Qs and if they’re FA, we’ll add them to the list here.
What happens if the serve hits the net and goes over?
If the ball hits the net on the serve, bounces over and lands in the service box, it’s a let serve and is in play. If, however, the ball hits the net on the serve, bounces over and lands in the kitchen, or hits the kitchen line, or lands out of bounds, it is a fault.
When serving, which of the service box lines are “in” and which are “out?”
If a serve hits the kitchen line (the line between the service box and the kitchen) the serve is considered out. If a serve hits any of the other three lines around the service box (baseline, center line, or sideline), the serve is considered in.
Player A volleys a ball and the other team is not able to return it. Player A’s momentum carries them into the kitchen after the other team missed the return. Is that a kitchen violation?
Yes. If Player A’s momentum carries them into the kitchen, even after play has stopped, that is considered a kitchen violation.
Can you hit the ball with your hand?
If you drop your paddle and hit the ball with your hand, that is not legal. However, if you are holding your paddle and hit the ball with your hand and paddle, that is legal.
What happens if a ball bounces on your side, then spins back over the net?
The ball is still in play and you can (and have to) hit it before it bounces on the other side. But when you reach over the net, you can’t hit the net with your paddle or it will be a fault.
How high is a pickleball net?
36” tall at the sidelines and 34” tall in the center.
How many holes does a pickleball have?
Official pickleballs can have a minimum of 26 to a maximum of 40 circular holes. Most outdoor balls have 40 holes and indoor balls typically have 26.