SMPC Round Robins are highly popular events and often fill within minutes of opening the registration. Our goal is to have as many different skill levels, ages, and groupings as possible within our limited amount of court permit availability. Please make sure that you fit all the qualifications before signing up.
Our rules were created to guarantee players the best experience possible. Levels are there to guarantee competitive games; start/end times to guarantee all games will have time to be played; cancelation policies are there to avoid last minute replacement players who may not be of the same competitive level or qualifications.
Please remember, Round Robins necessitate an exact number of players. Players who cancel late, or worse, don’t show up or leave early, potentially ruin the event for the other 7 or 15 players. Games can’t be played without the required number of players.
Please respect your fellow players and SMPC volunteers who work behind the scenes to make these events possible.
These tournaments are for Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Dinker members only.
Typically, round robins will open at 7:00 am two weeks before event. While we are testing out our new system, registration openings will vary.
Registration is via Court Reserve, either the website or app. Log into your account to register. Click the Member Login button found at the bottom of every page of this website.
Players may also click on specific events on our Events Calendar page to access Court Reserve.
Registration is on a first come first serve basis; the first players to register and pay will be guaranteed spots.
Players may join waitlist if round robin is full. If there is a cancellation prior to 24 hours from the event, the first person on the waitlist will be notified, charged, and automatically enrolled in the event. If you do not want to be automatically added, remove yourself from the waitlist.
SMPC Round Robins are non-transferable and non-refundable. They are only refundable if we cancel the Round Robin.
In an effort to provide the best level of play for the broader population, the club reserves the right to deny participation in a particular clinic or round robin if in the opinion of those running the clinic/round robin, the player’s current playing ability is under or over the level called for in the clinic/round robin.
The cancellation cutoff is 24 hours prior to the event start.
Any player who cancels after that time will forfeit the right to sign up for an SMPC Round Robin for one month.
Please note that if players are already signed up for a Round Robin within their suspension time, we will remove them and refund their event fee.
How do I cancel an event?
If cancelling more than 24 hours prior to the event, please cancel via the CourtReserve website or app. Click on MY EVENTS, click on the event you wish to cancel, click on the WITHDRAW button.
If cancelling less than 24 hours prior to the event, please cancel via email sent to:
If less than 24 hours, click here to send email:
If you attempt to cancel via CourtReserve less than 24 hours prior to the event, you will receive a notice, “This event cannot be canceled within 24 hours of the start date. Please contact the organization with questions.” You MUST email us at the above email address to cancel so we can attempt to find a replacement player.
No Show or Late Arrivals
All players must sign in at the posted start time.
Any player who arrives 15 minutes after the posted start time is considered a no show.
Any player who shows up, but is too sick or injured to play, is considered a no show.
Any late arrival or no show player will forfeit the right to sign up for an SMPC Round Robin for two months.
Please note that if players are already signed up for a Round Robin within their suspension time, we will remove them and refund their event fee.
Leaving Early
Any player who leaves an SMPC Round Robin prior to the posted end time will forfeit the right to sign up for an SMPC Round Robin for two months.
Please note that if players are already signed up for a Round Robin within their suspension time, we will remove them and refund their event fee.
This does not apply to any player who is forced to leave early due to an injury sustained during the SMPC Round Robin.
Expect to be on the courts for up to 2.5 hours from start time.
Each player plays with a different partner and against a different pair of opponents for a total of seven games. Games are played up to 11, win by 2. The player(s) with the most total wins will be declared the winner of the tournament. In the event of players having the same total wins, total points will be used for the tie-break. If still a tie, we may declare multiple winners.
Our King/Queen of the Hill format varies slightly. Each player is randomly assigned a partner and a spot on a court. Winners move up a court and split; losers move down a court and split. The object is to be in the top court at the end of the round robin and win that game where you and your partner will be crowned “King” or “Queen” of the court.
DUPR GAMES:Do not record scores from round robins in DUPR unless the round robin clearly states that it is a DUPR event AND scores will be entered. It is also not appropriate during non-DUPR events round robins to ask people if they will agree to enter the scores in DUPR because some players may feel pressure to say yes.
How do I cancel a round robin or clinic?
24 or more hours prior to the event start, you must go into your CourtReserve account to cancel.
If it is LESS than 24 hours prior to the event start, email us ASAP: events@SantaMonicaPickleballClub.org
What happens if I cancel my round robin or clinic reservation?
Round Robin reservations are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Round Robin reservations which are canceled less than 24 hours prior to the start will result in a one month inability to sign up for any SMPC Round Robins.
Clinics are refundable if canceled with more than 24 hours prior to the start of the event. Clinics are not refundable if canceled with less than 24 hour notice.
Please remember that these events rely on a specific number of players and late cancellations or no-shows ruin the event for all other players. Additionally, our volunteers have to stop what they are doing to find last minute replacement players. Please be considerate of your fellow players and volunteers and cancel early when possible.
When is check-in time for the round robin and what if I am late?
Check in time is the event’s posted start time.
Arriving 15 minutes after the posted start time is considered a no show. If we have filled your spot, you will not be allowed to play.
Any player who is a no show, even if they arrive late, will be prohibited from playing in any SMPC Round Robin for 2 months.
Our Round Robins require a specific number of players and late players cause our volunteers to drop what they are doing and scramble to find last minute replacements and jeopardizes the event for all the other players. Additionally, SMPC pays for a specific amount of time for these events and delayed starts often result in the event being forced to end before all games have been played. Please be considerate of your fellow players and volunteers. We all live in LA, plan on traffic delays.
What if I need to leave early?
Leaving prior to the posted end time, is considered a no show. Please don’t sign up if you need to leave early. Of course, an injury during the event does not count as leaving early.
How does the waitlist work?
Please note, this is new as of 10/29/23: Waitlisted players will be automatically added and charged if a spot becomes available more than 24 hours before the event. You will be notified by email if you are the replacement player. You may remove yourself from the waitlist at any time prior to being added as a replacement player, but once added as a replacement player it is a non-refundable charge and you must cancel if you are unable to attend. Please do not join the waitlist if you do not wish to be automatically added. And if you join the waitlist, but can no longer play, please remove yourself asap so not to get an unwanted charge. If there is an opening less than 24 hours before the event, all waitlisted players will be informed of any openings via email and then the first player from the waitlist to sign up and pay will be given the spot.
Do I need a DUPR score to play in a round robin?
You only need a DUPR score if the game states you need a DUPR score.
Also, we don’t round up. If the game is for those with a 3.7+ DUPR score the game is not for you if you have a 3.69 DUPR score. You will be removed from the game if you don’t qualify on the day you sign up. We know DUPR scores can change daily, so be sure at the time of signup that you have the correct score.
How do you determine your skill level for round robin games?
Go to usapickleball.org and take a self-assessment. For example, a 3.5 player should be able to hit a 3rd shot drop, be able control height/depth of dink shot, understand variation of pace of dink shot, understand the difference between a hard game and soft game and know when to use it. If you are deciding between a 3.0 and 3.5 game, choose the 3.0. If you win that tournament, move on to 3.5. You will feel better, and your partners will feel better if you are playing at the correct level. If you don’t win any games at a certain level or if you only win one, you should move down. You should always be winning at least one game since you are always playing at least one game with the best player. We sometimes ask players to move up or move down to make the games more competitive.
What is the SMPC Round Robin format?
All players play seven games; occasionally when time permits, we offer an optional eighth game to the top four players. Generally, each player plays with every player and against every player.
Our King/Queen of the Hill format varies slightly. Each player is randomly assigned a partner and a spot on a court. Winners move up a court and split; losers move down a court and split. The object is to be in the top court at the end of the round robin and win that game where you will be crowned “King” or “Queen” of the court. (You don’t get a crown, but you do win two pickleballs!)
How do I obtain a DUPR rating?
You are not required to have a DUPR rating for most club events. But if you have a DUPR rating it is easier for the club to set up more competitive events. Over time, you’ll be better able to choose events that more often pair you with others of similar skill. Go to https://mydupr.com and click “Sign Up” at the top right. On the next page, click “Create an Account” and enter the requested info. (If you’ve already played in tournaments, there may be an account with your name waiting for you to claim.) You should also add the app to your phone.
All you need to do is get four players willing to enter their scores in DUPR and play one game with one DUPR rated player. Then enter the scores in the DUPR app. You add the match and see your rating, which may be instantaneous or it may take a week. DUPR has changed this from time to time. Then watch your rating improve (hopefully) over time and see other stats. The club has some events where you can obtain a DUPR rating or enter scores that may modify your DUPR rating. Your most recent games will count more toward your updated rating. The more games entered, the more accurate your rating will be.
If you want to play a DUPR game, the club requires that all participants agree to adding their scores into DUPR before a game is played. Also, you cannot enter your scores in DUPR after a round robin unless in the description of the round robin it is stated that scores will be recorded.