While there are official rules for the play of the game, there are many other aspects of pickleball that can and do affect play and the personal interactions between the members of our club. We want SMPC to be a community where all players feel welcome and included. As a member of SMPC, we encourage you to always be a good sport both on and off the court. Following are a few etiquette guidelines to keep in mind every time you play, not just in our tournaments:
Introduce Yourself
Once on the court for a game, acknowledge the other players and introduce yourself if you don’t know them.
Announce the Score:
Announce the score, clearly and loudly, and gain acknowledgement that it is correct before serving the ball – EVERY TIME. This is a USA Pickleball Association rule and helps to reduce conflict on the court.
If a player thinks a wrong score has been called, the player may stop play to ask for a correction BEFORE the ball is served. Once the ball has been served, the rally is to be played out and the score correction (if any) is made before the next serve occurs.
Code of Ethics for Line Calling:
Only make line calls on your side of the pickleball court and always strive for accuracy.
Only call “out” balls when space is clearly visible between the line and where the pickleball lands.
Call “out” balls promptly. An “out” call prior to the ball bouncing, is communication between partners, not a line call.
If you and your partner disagree, the ball is “in.”
Spectators may NOT ever make a line call; nor be asked for their opinion.
Do not question opponents’ line calls. You may ask if both opponents agree with the call, but if they agree, that’s the call. Accept it and move on.
You MAY overrule a line call that is to your disadvantage, and in favor of your opponents, at any time.
There are no “do-overs” or “replays” due to uncertainty or claims of not seeing the ball; in those cases, the ball is considered “in” and can only be overturned by the opposing team calling it “out” on themselves.
Remember, if in doubt, it’s IN.
Only call “out” balls when space is clearly visible between the line and where the pickleball lands. Players should only call a pickleball “out” when looking across a line on the pickleball court if they can clearly see space between the line and the space where the pickleball lands. This means that close calls will be best viewed by a player that is looking from the inside of the pickleball line across the applicable line in question to the outside of the pickleball court, as opposed to a player that is on top of the line or looking from the outside of the pickleball court across the applicable line to the inside of the pickleball court. This is because the player looking from the inside of the court to the outside of the court will have the best angle to see whether there is space between the line and where the pickleball landed.
Runaway Balls:
If a ball from another court comes onto your court or you hear “Ball on!” or “Ball on court!”, STOP PLAY AT ONCE and replay the point once the ball has been returned/retrieved.
If your ball lands or rolls onto another court, do not chase the ball onto that court during play. Yell, “Ball on!” or “Ball on court” and wait for their play to stop before retrieving it.
End of Game:
At the game finish, approach the net and acknowledge/thank your fellow players and exit the court to allow a new set of players on.
One member from each team should notify the tournament supervisor of the final score.